
In the framework of the meeting of the International Committee for Science Policy of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” on 7th of December, 2013 in Petergof the agreement on the establishment of the National Scientific and Educational Association “Megascience facilities” between NRC “Kurchatov Institute” and 16 leading Russian universities was signed. Later the agreement was joined by 17 more Russian universities.

In April 2018 the Association was established as a legal body by subordinate organizations of NRC “Kurchatov Institute”and it was named the National Association of Scientific and Educational Organizations – Participants of International Megaprojects.

The purpose of the Association is to create a unified scientific and educational space aimed at improving the efficiency of research conducted on unique Megascience facilities, creating high-tech products and services on their basis, developing the export of the education system, forming a model of international scientific and technical cooperation, ensuring identity of the Russian science.


  • consolidation of the scientific, technological and educational potential of the members of the Association, aimed at participating in Megascience research programs, through the joint use of intellectual, material, organizational and managerial resources;
  • organization of access of research groups of the Association members to national and international information resources;
  • formation of a national interdisciplinary education system;
  • coordination of educational activities in the areas of the Association;
  • development of personnel potential of the members of the Association;
  • dissemination of best practices of engineering education in international projects;
  • assistance in the development of existing and the formation of new markets in the implementation of Mega-Science facilities projects, the creation of road maps for technologies, products and services development in the spheres of activity of Association and its members.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
of Association of Megaprojects Participants